Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Famous Gunfight

Some years ago I was in the town of Tombstone in the Arizona Territory. There I witnessed a violent fracas between one of my customers, his friends and some lawmen. Unfortunately, the lawmen shot his bottle of Wizard Water© right out of his hand before he could make use of it. He had no recourse but to reach for his gun. For this he received a bullet shot to his head, under his right ear. This is a shot from which it is difficult to recover unless you have partaken of Wizard Water© first -- which he had not. If my client had guarded his purchase long enough to use it, I know the outcome would have been much different.

So never let your bottle of Wizard Water© get shot out of your hand. I think my poor former client would be alive today if he had observed that rule. Then no one would ever have heard of the infamous gunfight inside the vacant lot near the alley across from the McDonald house on Fremont Street in the town of Tombstone in the Arizona Territory.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega

Weather was sunny for Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega, Georgia this year – no mist and drizzle. The parade and wrist-wrestling events proved popular with the crowds, and the cloggers earned a great deal of applause.

The hog-calling contest went particularly well. The winner, a young lad, called an entire herd into the main square. Then before they could cause any trouble, the Gooch family set about turning them into ham and pork chops.

A good time was had by all (except perhaps the pigs).

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Goldrush Days - Again!

I'll be back up in Dahlonega next Saturday and Sunday for their annual "Goldrush Days" festival. You don't want to miss the hog-calling and crosscut-saw contests! Hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Simple Philosophy

An optimist says a glass is half-full.
A pessimist says a glass is half-empty.
I say: get more Wizard Water© and you won’t have this problem.

Copyright © 2012 Laurie J. Anderson. All rights reserved.